Constitutional Law

At Ling Aretz we are passionate about Justice and Law.

Constitutional law has as its main source the Constitution, which is the supreme norm of the legal system of a country. This branch of law is essential because it establishes the basic rules of social and political coexistence, defines the limits of public power and guarantees the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens.


Primary objective

We help you find the harmonious interpretation of all legal activities in Mexico, and we help you create all kinds of defenses and strategies in accordance with the Constitution to defend your rights and protect your assets.


About Constitutional Law


Constitutional matters (as well as amparo) are specific areas to which we dedicate a large part of our preparation, study and constant training and updating, since the entire normative body of our country emanates precisely from our Political Constitution. Whoever understands Constitutional law in Mexico, understands everything.

Constitutional Law studies and regulates:

  • The organization and functioning of the Mexican State.
  • The structure and organization of public powers.
  • Relations between different organs of the State.
  • The system of government.
  • The fundamental rights of people.
  • Individual rights.
  • Social rights.
    Constitutional guarantees.
  • Human Rights.
  • Mechanisms for protecting these rights.
  • The legal bases of the State and its form of government.
  • The Mexican electoral system.
  • Citizen participation mechanisms.


More than 15 years of experience

Since 2008, at Ling Aretz we have built a solid track record combining in-depth knowledge of business law with a strategic and personalized approach to each client.

Our experience ranges from conflict prevention to defense in complex litigation, ensuring effective and sustainable solutions.


We are here to help you

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